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June 21, 2022

The Power of Out of Home Advertising and Vehicle Wrapping

Don’t underestimate the power of Out of home advertising (OOH) in keeping your brand top of mind.  

Moving Walls, an advertising technology company conducted a joint study conducted with Adcity in Singapore at the start of the pandemic. Using a patented multi-sensor measurement system, the company uncovered that people were moving more frequently across locations close to their home, essentially increasing the number of times OOH advertising was seen. OOH therefore continued to deliver views despite the blanket lockdowns and as Coronavirus raged, and all but essential travel was curbed. This medium was still actively influencing the path to purchase, unlike other advertising which chose to go silent during the early dark days of the pandemic. 

An Out of Home Industry collaboration polling results from 65 global campaigns that occurred between March and September 2020, uncovered that advertisers who continued to invest in OOH benefited from strong returns1. The robust study affirmed that OOH advertising was not only seen or recalled, but that they actually spurred consumers into action. 

The results were extremely impressive: 

  • +51% increase in top of mind awareness
  • +51% increase in Ad recall
  • +3% increase in consideration
  • +16% increase in purchase intent

Here in Singapore, Coronavirus restrictions are just starting to be peeled back, and a sense of normalcy is starting to creep in. Traffic on the roads and streets is recovering, and crowds are once again gathering within the Central Business District. MRT trains are now operating at around 70% of their pre-pandemic capacity, making it an opportune time to start thinking about deploying OOH solutions once again. 

But which OOH format should small and medium enterprises leverage to carry their brand message? 

For the uninitiated, OOH currently comes in four formats – billboards, street furniture, transit and place-based. Transit is deemed to be the most influential, and the most effective for advertising recall. Indeed, market research giant Nielsen uncovered in its 2019 OOH Advertising Report2 that wrapped vehicles are the most noticed segment of Transitory OOH inventory. 

Furthermore, when compared to traditional advertising mediums such as radio, TV and print, car wraps on moving vehicles are much lower in cost and give better returns. In the United States, popular marketing channels — such as online advertising — can cost up to US$17.50 per 1,000 impressions and; magazines can cost up to US$21.00. In comparison, OOH reaches the equivalent number of consumers at a low cost of roughly US $3.38 – US$8.653, depending on the format.

Besides generating high returns on investment, there are other fundamental reasons why vehicle wraps are much more effective than other advertising mediums. For instance, vehicle wraps cannot be ignored, blocked, bypassed or thrown away. Most of the advertising we are exposed to every single day is often overlooked, but vehicle wraps are often in our direct line of vision when come across one. Vehicle wrapping therefore cultivates long term brand awareness, and they can be customised and fine tuned to appeal to specific demographics and localities. 

Naturally, for vehicle wrappings to stand out, they need to showcase vivid colours, memorable icons and stunning graphics. OVOL’s 3M Envision Print Wrap Film is an extremely durable and versatile phalate-free film that’s also easy to install and remove. This makes it the ideal solution to turn any vehicle into a formidable mobile advertising tool.

  3. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/