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August 8, 2023

Why Opting for Carbon Neutral Paper Matters

In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, the use of paper has faced growing scrutiny due to its impact on deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. Many people have become sceptical about the necessity of using paper at all, advocating for a complete transition to digital alternatives. While reducing paper usage is commendable, it is essential to recognise that certain situations still require the use of printed materials. The key lies in adopting responsible practices, such as opting for papers that come from sustainable sources and carbon neutral paper, to mitigate the environmental impact. This article aims to highlight the significance of incorporating carbon neutral paper into our printing practices as another step in sustainable practices.

The Myth of a Paperless Practice

While adopting paperless practices can significantly reduce our ecological footprint, the reality is that some situations still call for printed materials. Educational institutions, government agencies, and businesses often rely on printed documents for legal requirements, physical archives, and ease of reference. Additionally, studies show that many people retain information better when they read printed materials (77% versus 46% to be exact)1, making them valuable for learning purposes.

Embracing Carbon Neutral Paper

Rather than eliminating paper usage entirely, an alternative approach is to consider using carbon neutral paper. Carbon neutral paper refers to paper products that are manufactured and produced with the goal of minimising and offsetting the carbon emissions associated with their production and use. This includes implementing energy-efficient practices, utilising renewable energy sources, optimising transportation logistics, and enforcing carbon offsetting initiatives, such as reforestation, renewable energy projects, or methane capture initiatives2.

Here are some key reasons why choosing carbon neutral paper is a step in the right direction:

  1. Carbon Footprint: By minimising, measuring and offsetting carbon emissions produced during paper production, carbon neutral paper helps reduce the industry’s overall impact on climate change.
  2. Sustainable Practices: By choosing carbon neutral paper and papers that come from sustainably managed sources, consumers actively support environmentally responsible practices in the paper industry. This fosters a culture of sustainability and encourages others to follow suit.
  3. Corporate Social Responsibility: Businesses and organisations that prioritise carbon neutral paper demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability, earning trust and support from environmentally conscious consumers.

Instead of avoiding paper altogether, where print is required, we should focus on responsible practices, such as opting for carbon neutral paper when printing is necessary. Embracing carbon neutral paper helps support the reduction in carbon emissions, and encourages sustainable practices in the paper industry. By making conscious choices in our daily lives and supporting environmentally friendly alternatives, we can collectively move towards a more sustainable and eco-conscious future.

In addition to other papers from sustainably managed sources, OVOL Singapore currently carries carbon neutral copier paper that is certified by SCS Global services based on Cradle-to-Grave LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) methodology that analyses the carbon footprint of the entire product lifecycle from raw materials to disposal. Feel free to contact us here for a quick introduction session!
