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October 27, 2023

Paper Stickers: Mirrorkote vs. Woodfree – Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to printing stickers, selecting the right material plays an important part in achieving the desired look and performance. Two commonly found options for paper stickers are Mirrorkote and Woodfree sticker, which each has its own attributes. In this article, we’ll explore each characteristic of Mirrorkote and Woodfree stickers to help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

Mirrorkote Stickers

Mirrorkote is a glossy coated paper sticker that is often chosen for its shine and reflective surface. Here are some key characteristics of mirrorkote stickers:

  1. High Gloss Finish: Mirrorkote sticker has a high-gloss finish that gives stickers a vibrant and reflective appearance. This makes it an excellent choice for stickers where a glossy, eye-catching look is desired.
  2. Sharp Printing: The glossy surface of mirrorkote sticker allows for sharper and more vivid printing of colours, text, and images. This makes it suitable for stickers with intricate details.
  3. Excellent for Product Labels: The glossy finish and vibrant printing make Mirrorkote paper stickers a popular choice for product labels, packaging, and promotional materials.

Woodfree Stickers

Woodfree stickers, also locally known as paper sticker, is a type of sticker that does not have a coating. Here are some characteristics of woodfree stickers:

  1. Natural Look and Feel: Woodfree stickers have a natural paper texture with non-reflective appearance. They are ideal for projects where a more subdued or organic look is desired.
  2. Writable Surface: Unlike mirrorkote, woodfree sticker is easy to write on, making it suitable for stickers that need to be personalised.
  3. Eco-Friendly Option: Woodfree paper is often considered more of an environmentally friendly option as it does not have an extra layer of coating like mirrorkote does.

When deciding between Mirrorkote and Woodfree stickers, it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences. At OVOL Singapore, we offer both Mirrorkote and Woodfree sticker options, and we’re here to help you. Our extensive selection ensures that you can choose the perfect sticker material to achieve the desired results for your projects. Contact us here to learn more!